     Table of Contents Chapter 19 19.5.1 Irrealis of the past
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Chapter 19: Conjunctive, Conditional and Reported speech

  19.5.1 Irrealis of the past

The Irrealis of the past (Irrealis der Vergangenheit) is formed with the compound form of the conjunctive II (with orientation to the past):
conjunctive II of haben + perfect participle in both parts of the sentence. The conjunction that introduces the condition is wenn.


Ich hätte mir ein Auto gekauft,
wenn ich Geld
gehabt hätte. =

= I would have bought a car
if I had had the money.
Du hättest dir ein Auto gekauft,
wenn du Geld
gehabt hättest.
= You would have bought a car
if you had had the money.
Er / Sie / Es hätte sich ein Auto gekauft,
wenn er / sie / es Geld
gehabt hätte.
= He / She / It would have bought a car
if he / she / it had had the money.
Wir hätten uns ein Auto gekauft,
wenn wir Geld
gehabt hätten.
= We would have bought a car
if we had had the money.
Ihr hättet euch ein Auto gekauft,
wenn ihr Geld
gehabt hättet.
= You would have bought a car
if you had had the money.
Sie hätten sich ein Auto gekauft,
wenn sie Geld
gehabt hätten.
= They would have bought a car
if they had had the money.