     Table of Contents Chapter 33 33.10 Absolute participle
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Chapter 33: Participles, Gerund and Infinitive constructions

  33.10 The participle has another subject than the main phrase: Absolute participle

  33.10.1 Absolute participle as adverbial qualification of time

Absolute participles can describe when things are done (= adverbial qualification of time).

Some examples  
  * Die Arbeit getan, gingen sie zum Strand.
= Work done they went to the beach.
  Nachdem die Arbeit getan war, gingen sie zum Strand.
= After the work was done, they went to the beach.
  * Alles Geld verloren, konnten sie die Rechnung nicht bezahlen.
= All money lost, they could not pay the bill.
  Nachdem sie alles Geld verloren hatten, konnten sie die Rechnung nicht bezahlen.
= After all money was lost, they could not pay the bills.
  * Die Rechnung bezahlt, verließen sie das Restaurant.
= Bill paid they left the restaurant.
  Nachdem sie die Rechnung bezahlt hatten, verließen sie das Restaurant.
= After the bill was paid, they left the restaurant.
  Eine Zigarette rauchend, redeten sie über dies und jenes.
= Smoking a cigarette they talked about this and that.
  Während sie eine Zigarette rauchten, redeten sie über dies und jenes.
= While they were smoking a cigarettte they were talking about this and that.

Most of the given examples are possible in German, but hardly used in spoken form. Usually people will use the subordinate phrase to describe what is said. Still, in written or poetic forms you might find them.