Hallo, da sind wir wieder
= Here we are again.
da = there
Grammar: Normally 'da' describe a place far a way of the person who speaks and corresponds to the english
adverb there. But in this case one could say "Hallo, hier sind wir wieder" and "Hallo, da sind wir wieder".
Heute sind wir in Bayern = Tody we are in Bavaria
sein - sind = to be - we are
Bayern = Bavaria
Bayern ist das lustigste Bundesland. = Baviera ist the most funny federal state.
lustig = funny
sein - ist = to be - it is
Die Leute hier sprechen lustig, sie ziehen sich lustig an und machen den ganzen Tag lustige Sachen. = People speak in a funny way, they dress themselves in a funny way and they do the whole day funny things.
Leute = people
sprechen - sprechen = to speak - they speak
lustig = funny
Sache - Sachen = things - things
sich anziehen = to dress themselves
hier = here
Die Bayern können aber auch gut Fußball spielen! = But the bavarians play soccer very well also.
bayern = bavarians
können - können = can - they can
gut = well
spielen = to play
Und sie können gut feiern. = And the know how to make party.
können =can
feiern = celebrate, make party
Das berühmte Oktoberfest findet jedes Jahr in München statt. = The famous party of october take place every year in Munich.
berühmt = famous
Oktoberfest = party of october (a traditionel party in bavaria)
Jahr = year
jeder = every
Außer München gibt es hier aber auch noch andere große Städte. = But beside Munich there are other cities as well.
aparte = beside
andere = other
zum Beispiel Regensburg, Nürnberg oder Würzburg. = like Regensburg, Nürnberg or Würzburg.
Beispiel = example
zum Beispiel = for example
Und im Süden von Bayern, da fangen schon die Alpen an. = And the south of Bavaria begin the Alpes
Süden = south
im Süden = in the south
fangen = to catch
anfangen = to begin
Alpen = Alpes
Grammar: It happens very often in German that the verb with the prefix (anfangen) has nothing to do with the
verb without prefix (fangen).
Hier kann man nämlich klettern oder Skifahren. = Here you can climb or ski.
klettern = to climb
Skifahren = to ski
oder = or
Und wenn man nicht aufpasst, ist man plötzlich mitten in Österreich. = and if you don' t pay attention you are suddenly in Austria.
passen = to fit with something
aufpassen - aufpasst = to pay attention - you pay attention
plötzlich = de repente
Grammar: The conjunction 'wenn' we have already seen, but before we translated it with 'when' and now we
translate it with 'if'. 'If' and 'well' are translated with wenn, in other words, german doesn' t distinguish
between the temporal conjunction and the conditional conjunction.
Haben wir noch was vergessen? = Did we forget something?
haben - haben = to have - we have
vergessen - vergessen = to forget - forgotten
Nein, das war alles. = No, that' s it.
alles = everything
sein - war = to be - was
Cooles Shirt übrigens! = A nice shirt, by the way.
cool = cool (used in german the same way as in english, but it' s use with that meaning is slang)
übrigens = by the way
Shirt - T-Shirt = shirt
Danke! =Thanks!
Nächstes Mal geht es um Sachsen - Anhalt = Next time we are going to talk about Saxon.
Ciao! = Ciao!
The italian word 'ciao' is used as well in german among young people. Perhaps that is due to the fact that
it is similar to the german 'tschüss'.