The most difficult in German grammar is the declination.
Therefore we have a little repetition at this point
of time. The declination will follow you wherever you
go with German, it is found with nouns, all pronouns
(personal, interrogative, demonstrative, possessive
etc.), articles and adjectives. Let's admit that's quite
a lot, considering the declination doesn't really always
look the same, and there are always masculine, feminine
and neutral words. If it's any comfort to you - other
languages have declinations too and some are much more
complicated (Russian with six declinations or Finnish
with 15 declinations for instance).
In Chapter
9 - declination in German we have established the
different types of declinations with groups. To know
them will bring you much further, therefore here
another set of examples. To know the declination of
a noun you have to learn the plural form of the noun.
Let's have a look at some examples.
look at some examples |
Schuh => die Schuhe |
| shoe
=> shoes |
| plural
with e, no change of vowel => group
(a) |
Kartoffel => die Kartoffeln |
| potatoe
=> potatoes |
| plural
with n, no change of vowel => group
(b) |
Kind => die Kinder |
| child
=> children |
| plural
with er, no change of vowel =>
group (c) |
Brauch => die Bräuche |
| custom
=> customs |
| plural
with e, change of vowel => group
(d) |
Sau => die Säue |
| sow
=> sows |
| plural
with e, change of vowel => group
(e) |
Buch => die Bücher |
| book
=> books |
| plural
with er, change of vowel => group
(f) |
Kanu => die Kanus |
| canoe
=> canoes |
| plural
with s, no change of vowel => group
(g) - only neutral nouns |
Affe => die Affen |
| monkey
=> monkeys |
| plural
with en, no change of vowel =>
group (h) - only masculine nouns |
Becher => die Becher |
| cup
=> cups |
| plural
= singular => group (i) - only
masculine nouns |
The different declinations in
the group you find in chapter
9.6.1 to 9.6.2.