The declension of the 3rd person plural is identical
with the declension of the 3rd person singular feminine.
This would be quite obvious, because they have the same
possessive pronoun: ihr
In common language, the Genitive of the substantival possessive
pronoun is not used. There is another form of a possessive
that could be used (der ihrige, die ihrige, das ihrige),
but it sounds really antiquated. If you want to form
a Genitive of ihre
it is mostly done like in English.
ist der Schlüssel von ihrem (Auto etc.).
This is the key of theirs. (their car etc.)
The same could be said with a real
Genitive and ihrige
(it's just not used commonly):
ist der Schlüssel des ihrigen.
This is the key of theirs.
die Schachtel (= box) possessed object => feminine,
singular |
sehe meine, aber ihre nicht.
I see mine but not theirs. |
das Kleid (= dress) possessed object => neutral,
singular |
kannst mit ihrem hingehen.
You can go with theirs.
die Häuser (= house) possessed object =>
neutral, plural |
sehe meine, aber ihre nicht.
I see mine but not theirs.