German |
English |
aber |
but |
aber allein |
but only |
aber auch |
but also |
aber dennoch |
but still |
aber doch |
but still |
aber trotzdem |
but even though |
allein die Tatsache dass |
the mere fact that |
als |
when |
eher.... als dass |
rather ... than, it's more likely that
... than |
also |
this means |
anstatt |
instead of |
auch wenn |
even if |
bis |
until |
da |
since |
dass |
that |
denn |
because |
dennoch |
anyway, still |
deshalb |
that's why |
doch |
but |
ehe |
before |
entweder ... oder |
either ... or |
falls |
if |
gesetzt den Fall |
in case |
selbst gesetzt den Fall |
even in case |
gleichwohl |
anyway, still |
im Falle dass |
in case that |
indem |
by + gerund |
insofern als |
in this respect |
und insofern |
and in this respect |
insoweit |
insofar, as far as |
je mehr / weniger ... desto |
the ... the |
jedoch |
but |
nachdem |
after |
nun |
now |
nur |
only |
nur insoweit |
only as far as |
ob |
whether |
obgleich |
even though, although |
obschon |
even though, although |
obwohl |
even though, although |
obzwar |
even though, although |
oder |
or |
oder vielmehr |
or rather |
ohne |
without |
ohne dass |
without that |
seitdem |
since |
so wie |
as ... as |
so dass |
(so) that |
sofern |
as long as |
sondern |
but |
sondern auch |
but also |
soweit |
as far as |
sowie |
as soon as |
solange |
as long as, while |
sowohl ... als auch |
as well as |
statt |
instead of |
um zu |
for |
und |
and |
und daher |
and therefore |
und darum |
and therefore |
und dennoch |
and still |
und deshalb |
and therefore |
und deswegen |
and therefore |
und doch |
and still |
und so |
and so |
und somit |
and so |
und zudem |
and in addition |
und zwar |
no literal translation |
ungeachtet der Tatsache
dass |
notwithstanding the fact that |
warum |
why |
weshalb |
why |
wieso |
why |
weil |
because |
wenn |
if, when |
wenn auch |
although |
wengleich |
although, even though |
wenn schon |
if ... then |
wohingegen |
whereas |
während |
while |
zu |
to (for adding participles and infinitives) |
zudem |
in addition, additionally |
zumal |
especially as |