neutral |
das Fahrrad |
bicycle |
blau |
blue |
Ich habe mein blaues
Fahrrad gewaschen. |
I have washed my blue
bicycle. |
Das Fahrrad is neutral,
singular. Das Fahrrad
is direct object (Accusative). If we check the table
we can see that the ending is -es
and the adjective is therefore blaues.
masculine |
der Vater |
father |
alt |
old |
Er hat meinem alten
Vater ein Fahrrad geschenkt. |
He has given a bicycle
to my old father.
Der Vater is masculine,
singular. Der Vater
is indirect object (Dative). If we check the table we'll
find that the ending is -en
and the adjective therefore is alten.