Vergeblich, vergebens, umsonst*
= in vain, for nothing |
Ich habe dreimal
vergeblich (vergebens)
versucht, ihn anzurufen. |
I've tried to call him three times (and did
not reach him). |
Er ist umsonst
gekommen. |
He came for nothing. |
* Between umsonst and
vergeblich is a very fine
difference. Vergeblich means,
that the action itself could not be done. Umsonst
means, that it could be done, only the result is not
what was hoped for.
compare these phrases |
a) Er hat
das Buch umsonst
gesucht. |
He searched
the book for nothing. |
b) Er hat das Buch vergeblich
gesucht. |
He searched the book
in vain. |
Phrase a) means that he has found the book, but the fact
that he has found it, did not solve the problem, because
it did not contain the necessary information (or something
alike). The phrase b) means that he didn't even find the