29.1.4 declension of Hunderte, Tausende |
Hunderte and Tausende
are declined if there is no other number before them, meaning that they are isolated. Hunderte and Tausende can not be used as an adjective. In case this is wanted, you have to use a partial genitive.
Nominativ |
gingen auf die Straße, um für die Freiheit
zu demonstrieren.
= Hundreds went to the street to demonstrate for freedom. |
haben sich das Spektakel angesehen, ohne zu
= Thousands watched the spectacle without reacting to it. |
Genitiv |
Er hat die
Ersparnisse Hunderter
= He stole the savings of hundreds. |
Er hat das Leben Tausender
He destroyed the live of thousands. |
Er hat die Ersparnisse hunderter von Menschen
= He stole the savings of hundreds of people. |
Er hat das Leben tausender
von Menschen zerstört.
= He destroyed the live of thousands of people. |
Dativ |
Er hat Hunderten
Hoffnung gegeben.
= He gave hope to hundreds. |
Er schenkte Tausenden
= He gave bread to thousands. |
Er hat hunderten
von Menschen Hoffnung gegeben.
= He gave hope to hundreds of people. |
Er schenkte tausenden
von Menschen Brot.
= He gave bread to thousands of people. |
Akkusativ |
Er brachte
Hunderte in
= He saved hundreds. |
Er sah Tausende
vorübergehen, ohne ihm zu helfen.
= He watched thousands walk by without helping him. |
Er brachte hunderte
von Büchern in Sicherheit.
= He saved hundreds of books. |
Er sah tausende
von Leuten vorübergehen, ohne ihnen
zu helfen.
= He watched thousands of people walk by without helping them.