     Literature Goethe: Faust IV.15 Garten (A Garden)

Goethe: Faust

  IV.15 Garten (A Garden)

Finally Faust and Margaret talk for the first time and they confess their love. Just for fun Mephistopheles starts to flirt with Martha. The insinuation of the both becomes clearer and clearer, especially when Martha starts to talk about marriage. Although Mephistopheles avoids to respond with words to any of these insinuations. In contrary to Margaret, who hates Mephistopheles, Martha feels sympathy for him, which emphasises the difference between the two women.

Mephistopheles calls her Kupplerin, or matchmaker. If the author wanted to be Mephistopheles, he would say that she has a good sense of practicality. And Margaret is a bit complicated. How Goethe has seen it, we don't know. But we know that he lived for a certain time with Christiane Vulpius without being married with her. This is, what made Charlotte von Stein so upset, or one could say that Charlotte von Stein seemed to him a bit complicated, too.