     Literature Goethe: Faust IV.16 Ein Gartenhäuschen (A garden house)

Goethe: Faust:

  IV.16 Ein Gartenhäuschen (A garden house)

The first kiss between Faust and Margaret.

Faust, who never felt any sympathy for Mephistopheles has said quite in the beginning in Faust's study II :

Ward eines Menschen Geist, in seinem hohen Streben,
Von deinesgleichen je gefaßt?
Was any human spirit, struggling to ascend,
Such as your sort could ever comprehend?

He doubts that Mephistopheles is even able to understand the search and at this point of the drama he has reduced him to very little and Faust starts to really hate him for this. When Mephistopheles interupts the conversation with Margaret, he simply calls him a beast.

  MARGARETE (ihn fassend und den Kuß zurückgebend):
  MARGARET [embracing him and returning the kiss].
  Bester Mann! von Herzen lieb ich dich!
(Mephistopheles klopft an.)
  Best of men, I love you from my heart?
[Mephistopheles knocks.]
  FAUST (stampfend):   FAUST. [stamping]
  Wer da?   Who's there?
  Gut Freund!   A friend.
  Ein Tier!   A beast.

Even though it seems that Mephistopheles is right in his disillusion view upon the world, he nevertheless does not believe in what he is saying. This adds to the drama of the two conceptions of mankind. There is no fight, if the fighters are not on the same level. Mephistopheles knows very well, that reason and science are the strongest powers, that mankind has. And only by taking Faust from one amusement to the next, even less important, he will be able to break these powers and turn Faust into a cattle-type-person. This can be proved by the words of Mephistopheles to Faust in his study:

  Verachte nur Vernunft und Wissenschaft,
Des Menschen allerhöchste Kraft,
Laß nur in Blend- und Zauberwerken Dich von dem Lügengeist bestärken,
So hab ich dich schon unbedingt-
Ihm hat das Schicksal einen Geist gegeben,
Der ungebändigt immer vorwärts dringt,
Und dessen übereiltes Streben
Der Erde Freuden überspringt.
Den schlepp ich durch das wilde Leben,
Durch flache Unbedeutenheit,
Er soll mir zappeln, starren, kleben,
Und seiner Unersättlichkeit
Soll Speis und Trank vor gier'gen Lippen schweben; Er wird Erquickung sich umsonst erflehn,
Und hätt er sich auch nicht dem Teufel übergeben,
Er müßte doch zugrunde gehn!
  Humanity's most lofty power,
Reason and knowledge, pray despise!
Let but the Spirit of all Lies
With works of dazzling magic blind you;
Then, absolutely mine, I'll have and bind you!
To him has Fate a spirit given
That, uncurbed, ever onward sweeps,
Whose striving, by too hasty impulse driven,
The joys of this earth overleaps.
Him will I drag through wild life whirling past,
Through all that is unmeaning, shallow stuff;
I'll see him struggle, weaken, and stick fast!
Before his greedy lips that can not feast enough
Shall hover food and drink as if for some grand revel;
Refreshment will he all in vain implore;
And had he not surrendered to the Devil,
Still were he lost forevermore.