As we have seen in the different
declination kein
can be used with or without a noun, that means that
it can be used as adjectival (with noun) and as substantival
(without noun) pronoun. The word kein
changes marginally in masculine and neutral form.
Examples: |
Mann sieht Fußball. =
No man watches soccer.
sieht Fußball.
= No one / nobody watches soccer.
Ich sehe
Mann. = I do
not see a man.
Ich sehe keinen.
= I do not see
anyone / anybody.
(thinking still of a masculine noun)
Ich schenke es keinem
= I do not give
it to a man.
Ich schenke es keinem.
= I do not
give it anyone
/ anybody.
| |
Actually it works the same with feminine nouns:
Examples: |
Frau sieht rote Elefanten. = No
woman sees red elephants.
sieht rote Elefanten. = No
one / nobody
sees red elephant (no feminine person)
Ich sehe keine
Frau. = I do
not see a woman.
Ich sehe keine.
= I do not see
anyone / anybody.
(thinking still of a feminine noun)
Ich schenke es keiner
Frau. = I do
not give it
to a woman.
Ich schenke es keiner.
= I do not
give it anyone /
anybody. (still having the feminine
in mind)
and as well with neutral ones.
Examples: |
Kind kauf rote Elefanten. = No
child buys red elephants.
Keines kauft
rote Elefanten. = No
one / Nobody buys red elephants.
Er sieht kein
Kind. = He does
not see a child.
Er sieht keines.
= He does not see
anyone / anybody.
(thinking still of a neutral noun)
Er schenkt es keinem
child. = He
does not give
it to a child..
Er schenkt es keinem.
= He does not
give it anyone /
anybody. (still having the neutral
in mind)