One could think that keiner (no one, none) and niemand
(nobody) mean the same thing. If thinking a bit about
it you'll notice that in fact it's not the same.
While kein/e/er
can be used as an adjective niemand
can never be used adjectivally. Furthermore niemand
always refers to a person;kein/e/er
can also refer to persons and to non-living things.
With niemand there
is no Genitive participial construction possible.
Examples: |
can not be used adjectivally
correct: Kein
Mensch kann vierzig Sprachen. = No
man knows forty languages.
Niemand Mensch
kennt vierzig Sprachen.
= Nobody man
knows forty languages.
always refers to a person
correct: Hast
Du eine Katze gesehen?
Nein, ich
habe keine
Katze gesehen.
= Did you see a cat?No,
I did not see
a cat.
Hast Du eine Katze
gesehen? Nein,
ich habe niemand
Katze gesehen.
Did you see a cat? No,
I did see nobody
with niemand
there is no Genitive participial construction
correct: Keiner
von ihnen ist reich. =
No one of
them is rich.
Niemand von
ihnen ist reich. =
Nobody of
them is rich.
But as you see the logic is the same in English. Therefore
you can be sure to make the right choice out of instinct.
The best advice to give you about this issue is: Don't
think about it, do it according to instincts and you'll
be right.