Da and Preposition |
 | Daran = in this,
in it |
merkt man, dass er noch sehr jung ist. |
can notice in this that he is still very young. |
 | Dafür = for this,
for it |
Sie haben alles
getan. |
They have
done everything for it. |
 | Dabei = with this,
with it |
Wir haben dabei
viel Spaß gehabt. |
We have had
a lot of fun with it. |
 | Damit = with this,
with it |
Ich habe eine
Zange geholt. Damit
müsste es gehen. |
I went to
fetch pliers. With these, it should work.
Note! One
must not mix the adverb damit with the conjunction
damit |
Damit kann
man es machen. |
With this
one can do it. |
Ich sage es dir, damit
du es weißt. |
I tell you that you know. |
Note! Even though the translation of damit und dabei is the same, they do not mean the same thing. Damit refers to an instrument that serves the realisation of something, dabei expresses the presence of something.
 | Darüber = about
this, about it |
Hast du mit
ihm über den Brief gesprochen?
Ja, ich habe mit ihm darüber
gesprochen. |
Did you talk
with him about the letter?
Yes, I talked with him about it. |
Er hat dir ein Auto geschenkt.
Hast du dich darüber
nicht gefreut? |
He gave you a car.
Weren't you happy about it? |
 | Davon = of this,
of it |
Hast du auch
was von dem Geld bekommen?
Ja, ich habe auch was davon
bekommen. |
Did you get
some of the money?
Yes, I did get some of it. |
 | Darum = of this,
of it |
Kümmerst du
dich um das Hotel ?
Ja, ich kümmere mich darum. |
Do you take
care of the hotel?
Yes, I take care of it. |
Note the translation of davon
and darum are both of
this, but there is a difference. Davon
refers to a part of something, darum
means also about it, depending on the verb used.
Note! darum
is an adverb as well as a conjunction |
Darum hat
er sich nie gekümmert. |
He did not
take care of it. |
Er hat in Deutschland keine Arbeit gefunden,
und darum
(=deshalb) geht er jetzt nach England. |
He did not
find a job in Germany; therefore he goes to
England now. |
 | Dadurch = through
this, through it |
Ich habe den
Brief nur durch Zufall gelesen, aber dadurch
habe ich erfahren, wer er ist. |
I only read
the letter by accident, but through this I
found out who he is. |
 | Dagegen = against
this, against it |
Er wusste nicht
mal genau worum es ging, aber er war dagegen.
He didn't
even know, what was it about, but he was against
it. |
 | dazu = to this,
to it |
Wenn er dageblieben
wäre, hätte ich ihm die Meinung gesagt. Gott
sei Dank kam es nicht dazu.
If he had
stayed, I would have told him my opinion.
Thanks God, it didn't come to this. |
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