One could mix pronominal adverbs of the type da + preposition
with the ones of the type wo
+ preposition. The difference is that wo
+ preposition plays the role of a relative
pronoun or an interrogative
Relative pronoun |
Das, wofür
er bezahlt hat, hat er nicht bekommen. |
This, what
he paid for, he didn't get. |
Das war nichts, worüber
man lachte. |
This was nothing to laugh
about. |
Er hat mir nicht das gegeben,
wonach ich
mich sehnte. |
He didn't
give me, what I was longing for. |
pronoun |
brauchst du das? |
What for
do you need this? |
lacht ihr? |
What are you laughing
about? |
sehnst du dich? |
What are you longing
for? |
Da + preposition
plays the role of a pronoun |
zahle ich höchstens 10 Euro. |
For this
I pay 10 Euro max. |
Wir haben uns darüber
unterhalten, aber wir sind zu keinem Ergebnis
gekommen. |
We talked about it, but
we did not come to a result. |
Gib ihm doch die Tabletten,
wenn er so danach
verlangt. |
Give him
the pills, if he so much wants them. |