Examples for
adverbs with Dative |
Er benimmt sich seinem
Alter entsprechend.
= He behaves according
to his age. |
Dieser Ausdruck ist mir
nicht geläufig.
= This expression
is not known by me. (I don't know this expression) |
Die Bezahlung war der
Leistung angemessen.
= The payment was
adequate to the performance. |
Er war der
Situation nicht gewachsen.
= He was not able
to handle the situation. |
Die 10 000 Euro kamen ihm
sehr gelegen.
= The 10 000 Euro
were very welcome. |
Die ganze Angelegenheit
war ihm gleichgültig
= He did not care
about the whole issue. |
In dem Moment war mir
alles egal (gleichgültig).
= In this moment
I didn't care about anything. |
Sie war ihm
geistig überlegen.
= She was mentally
superior to him. |
Sie waren ihm
böse, weil er nicht gekommen war.
= She was upset about
him, because he didn't come.
Das sieht ihm
= This is typical for him. (direct translation:
This is similar to him.) |
Er war ihm
bei der Auswertung der Unterlagen behilflich.
= He helped with
the evaluation of the documents.
war in dem Augenblick nicht bewusst, was das
für ihn bedeutete.
= I did not realise
in this moment, what it meant for him. |
Er war ihr
sehr zugetan.
= He liked her a
lot. |
Sein Benehmen war uns
allen peinlich.
= His behaviour was
embarrassing for all of us. |
Der Typ ist mir
einfach zuwider.
= I don't like this
guy. |
Durch seine Arroganz machte
er sich allen
= Through his arrogance
everybody disliked him. |
Er blieb seinen
Prinzipien treu.
= He was faithful
to his principles. |
Die Geschichte hat gezeigt,
dass die Planwirtschaft der
freien Marktwirtschaft unterlegen ist.
= History has shown
that planned economy is inferior to the free
market. |