Put the verb into reported speech. Remember that the German system is not dependent on the tense of the introductory verb. Use the modal verb sollen. |
He says:"Do not buy it for him!" |
Er sagt:" Kauf es ihm
nicht!" |
He told you not to buy it for him. |
He said:"Write the letter tomorrow!" |
Er sagte:"Schreib ihm
morgen einen Brief!" |
He told him to write the letter tomorrow. |
She had said:"Read this book until tomorrow!" |
Sie hatte gesagt:" Lies
dieses Buch bis morgen!" |
She had told me to read this book until the next day. |
They ordered:"Learn this by heart until tomorrow!" |
Sie befahlen:"Lernt das
bis morgen!" |
They ordered us to learn this by heart until the next day. |
You ordered: "Give him some orange juice!" |
Du befahlst:"Gib ihm
einen Orangensaft!" |
You ordered me to give him some orange juice. |